Live in Canada

Immigrating to Canada as a newcomer can be confusing to learn the day to day activities in a new country. Canada may be very different from your home country, which means there is a great deal to learn about and explore before you arrive here. Here are some things to think about learning about before moving so that you can adapt to the Canadian lifestyle as fast and easy as possible

  • Government Laws
  • Banks and Financing (Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bank Accounts, Checks, etc.)
  • Health Care, Hospitals, Doctor Offices
  • Cars, Public Transportation
  • Education, School Systems
  • Grocery Stores, Restaurants
  • Housing

For more information on settling in Canada, visit our page on Living in Canada as an Immigrant page.

Permanent Resident Card:

If you are living in Canada as a Permanent Resident, you will need to have permanent resident card. This card is used to show that you have legal Permanent Residency in Canada. In addition to your passport, this card is a travel document you need to carry when you leave and enter Canada. Typically, Canada PR cards are issued for five years but can also be issued for one year.